Get ready for an amazing concert with the incredibly talented Kiki Ebsen and her band, including Grant Geissman on guitar, Dave Marotta on bass, and Rod Harbour on drums. You won't want to miss this event at a beautiful estate in Agoura Hills, where you can enjoy fantastic music, delicious appetizers, and refreshing beverages. Plus, you'll be supporting The Healing Equine Ranch and their wonderful programs. The evening starts at 6 pm. Music from 7-9 pm.
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Diamond in the Dust
Half a Chance
Donation is $40 and includes music, appetizers, and beverages. Only a limited amount of tickets are available and must be purchased in advance.
Please RSVP first with the desired amount of tickets to confirm ticket availability by sending an email to
Directions will be sent out upon payment. We can accept the following methods.
Venmo: kiki-ebsen
Check: Payable to The Healing Equine Ranch 26500 Agoura Rd Ste 102-327 Calabasas, CA 91302